
"Whatever you think you can do, or believe you can do, begin it, because action has magic, grace, and power in it." Goethe

Friday’s Five


Stories of survival from friends, nurses, custodians…do these help? Yes, they do…and they are a daily blessing.

We live in the land of hospitals right now, but even here, the blessings are evident in and through people.

So, I continue with a few more listings than five today…I never want to forget that in the midst of cancer’s grip, we get to see so much more…

…finishing a crossword puzzle with my husband…holding a pen in one hand, his hand in the other…

…an oil pastel palette in the back of a journal created by Melissa because she knew I’d need art during these days…
She even included random art papers because she knows the artist’s mind…

…showers and warm blankets and hot coffee…

…daily visits from friends and family…oh to see the power of memories and laughter and goodness of people’s hearts…and to join our hands in prayer…

…communion from the local church…someone decided to volunteer for this ministry which blessed our lives today…

…the ability to control a thermostat…72 and 69 are vastly different numbers…

…texts with sons and daughters and friends…

…messages from surprising people and places and the awareness of God’s presence through each one…

…PICC lines…

So much more than this. There is a transparency now that you can’t know unless you’re in it. You see exactly what matters, what is true, what you’ll do.

Blessings every day, no matter what.

5 thoughts on “Friday’s Five

  1. I decided to nominate your blog for the Epic Awesomeness Award, go to to write ten things about your blog that you feel qualify you for this award.

  2. Pingback: The Epic Awesomeness Award!! Rock On! | A Path To Recovery

  3. Agnes, I don’t know what to say–I don’t have anything new or helpful. Except maybe just to say that your posts are a very direct touch to my heart. And that I remember you & Sam daily. And that I think that in spite of the awful circumstances, that you two are lucky because you took seriously the bit about “in sickness and in health” and you are there for each other. And still holding hands, and doing crossword puzzles and laughing.

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