
"Whatever you think you can do, or believe you can do, begin it, because action has magic, grace, and power in it." Goethe

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Sunday’s Song: 10 %

Like so many, I’ve read the stories about the Duggers. I’m sad for the victims, for their loss of privacy, for their life changing pain.

But I’m also sorry for those of us who continue to place people on pedestals.

We. Are. Sinners.

I am not excusing any one. Not. One.

I am stating a truth. 

I am beyond tired of people insisting on elevating humans to godly status.

Every single one of us either:

Has done  something

Will do something

Or is in the middle  of  something 

that  we do NOT want known.

Please. Please. Stop putting people in places we do not deserve.

We know 10% about folks. If that.

Pray for yourself. Pray for others.

But please, please stop being  surprised when someone does not live up to your expectation of holy and  good.

We are fortunate if we can  be that 10% of the time. 

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Bye, Dave.

I will miss you, David Letterman. I watched a vintage clip from your year #3 show on YouTube last night–funny how we can be taken right back to a place in time from something like that.

I’m just an ordinary person you’ll likely never meet, but you gave me (and some of my dearest friends) lots of laughter through many years. 33 of them. That’s a bunch.

You never got old. You stayed funny, you kept talented people around you, and you embodied a respectable rebellion that came in handy through the years. 

Thank you for showing us how to laugh at the ordinary. How to question. How to dig in our heels and dare anyone to abuse us. How to watch, marveling at the talent our minds afford us.  How to appreciate raw talent, new music, and old masters.

Plus, you liked dogs. So much to love.

Enjoy your next days,

One of your appreciative “Kids”

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Sunday’s Song: Decisions

A busy few art filled days have passed now, and it looks like the next few will be spent organizing and settling in to work on new projects. 

I’m really glad Sara and I decided to follow our art calling and participate in various shows and festivals throughout the past year. That choice brought us many opportunities and we have met many interesting  people along  the way. 

My teaching days are over for the summer, and I’m at a blessed, slow pace state right now: no deadlines, no rushing.

My creative side is calling again and I’ve decided to answer. I am taking a hand building clay class–not to become a potter or anything close–but to participate in something challenging to me. I know the process will lead to new ideas, new pieces that I might not have thought of otherwise.

I’ve decided to create spaces for art throughout the day. It’s my work now, and I’m going to treat it as such. The 2015 Index  Card  A Day project is gearing up to start June 1. If you are interested in being part of a creative and supportive online art community, you might choose to check out their site (on Facebook).I’ve decided to submit my attempts–good /bad/in-between. These are just moments in time. It’s ok if they’re not all fabulous!

There comes a point when you realize some things about life. You have power to choose. There is such power in our choices. 

This past few days, some  interesting things happened to me. 

I held a blue eyed baby I’d just met who slept in my arms as a crowd of passers by enjoyed an outdoor  festival. 

I listened as a displaced gentleman recited poetry to me, even though he was sick and far from home.

I pressed clay into random shapes, that though imperfect, did not exist before I touched them.

Everything we choose connects us to something else. We have so much possibility before us. Choose your joy.


Friday’s Five: Moms

Mother’s Day weekend is upon us. 

I lived a whole lot of years before I realized that all moms are not created equal. Somehow, I landed in the right line and was blessed to have one of those “good ones”–that in itself could count as my gratitude list: having a terrific mom.

But, in the spirit of “Friday’s Five, I’ll list   a few connected blessings of motherhood:

Top on my list–Samuel and Sara. They are the reasons I get to call myself a mom. I’m honored to celebrate Mother’s Day every day. They are the gift.

Unconditional love–once you receive it, you realize it’s imperative to share it.

Mama claws–not evident until someone or something threatens the peace of your child. They will come out without warning.

Prayers–a new level of holiness is available when you become a mama. If you have to ask, you’re not a mom yet.

The next level–grandmotherhood. All I can say about that is I’m ready to hold you, Sofia Grace. 

Regardless of our circumstances, a mama got us here. Whether you are one, miss one, love one, or hope to be one, Happy Mother’s  Day.