
"Whatever you think you can do, or believe you can do, begin it, because action has magic, grace, and power in it." Goethe


Sunday’s Seven: 29 Oct 2023

🌟Reminder 🌟

My eldest grandchild left her Color reminder taped to our sunporch-art porch wall, and I did not see it until early this morning. Little lights people leave for us as they journey on…

…another GC reminded me to please take care of her works in progress. I will. So much more in those words than non- creatives might hear—I’m returning. I like what I was doing. Protect it for me. I had fun.

Witnessing is a big part of life—I’m pretty sure Bradbury said “Witness and celebrate”—and I am. Those around me are, too. Spider webs in many trees and quick lizards playing hide-and-seek in patio rafters and rocks to be claimed and puddles to jump in were here and noticed as we say farewell to October. A two sides carved pumpkin will be in transit to its artists’ home later. And that is its own simple story for today:

I planned to carve with children, but time got away as it does. Then I recalled an October decades ago when my mom was away. My new husband and I came to check on her place, and at some point I realized he’d never carved a pumpkin before. As an elementary teacher at the time, I carved them yearly with my students. Anyway, we had a little memory making that day and my mom was welcomed home with a grinning Jack-o-lantern on her porch steps. Fast forward to other Octobers, and my husband carved many pumpkins with our kids. And, he carved a final one for us his last year here. Today, I laughed as I used his hunting knife to carve our latest rendition. He would not approve of this use I’m quite sure…then again, it’s for our grandkids, so I’d likely get a free pass. I bet some little kids smile tonight when they see their pumpkin friend on their own porch…and the little things keep unspooling through the years. Because the little things often cost almost nothing. And they become part of our being. Kids remember far more of what we do than what we spend. 🎃

On the pumpkin theme, my young friend Mirren made a glorious pumpkin fairy house and her mom texted me a pic. All of us creatives hanging on in spite of distance and circumstances. 🥰🌟

So many good things to list this week, but the latest one involves another “little thing- big thing”—my sister and her husband are traveling abroad, and my daughter is there to welcome them and show them the sights. My sis has been sending me pictures, and knowing the happiness we can give by simply honoring another for good…well, gift.

Of course, we don’t have to be travelers to find joy. It’s right next door, down the street, in the next aisle over. In our own homes. Witnessing. Celebrating. Honoring what another might need. Don’t let the magic in front of you get away.

Happy Halloween time. ✌️✌️✌️✌️🍁🎃🍁

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Sunday’s Seven 22 October 2023

National Day on Writing—a student exploring solitude

Hello, dear reader,

The last seven days gave me some good gifts…

I celebrated the National Day on Writing with a class of high schoolers on the college campus. Visiting a park across the street to spend a few minutes of solitary writing time worked its magic on a few of them. So, I celebrate the truth that sometimes pushing through and doing the harder things is worth the effort. We cannot make someone see something they are not ready to see or enjoy writing or the arts or nature…or anything. But, we can open a door. Offer an invitation. Create a space for light…

Grocery store pumpkins. The price is right and some little ones were happy. Maybe roasted pumpkin seeds and a carving are in the cards by next weekend…

Yellow butterflies seem to have taken the place of hummingbirds for now. Beauty in all its iterations…

FaceTime with a granddaughter this week…

Boarded, Landed, and other travel messages an adult son sent without me asking— maturity and all the simple ways we can show respect and care to others…

The hibernating (AKA lost) teddy bear was uncovered this week—one we thought was surely gone has returned, delighting a little girl…

Calendar countdowns—I’m entering my favorite time of year now…glad to witness it once again.

Happy week, friends. Be good to yourselves and look for the little things to celebrate. 🌟

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Sunday’s Seven 15 Oct 2023

Nature-y Magic Days

This has been a fun and entertaining week…the last few days spent as a “single mom” of sorts…keeping three precious granddaughters for a few days while their parents are away. Tonight is the last sleepover of the stay, so after school drop- offs are complete in the morning, my regular busy life will resume.

I knew these days and responsibilities might be challenging, so I reclaimed what I’ve done in any challenging time: stay in the moment…only the moment at hand.

Thinking back over the time and happy kid moments, I remember cookie decorating outside, cracking pecans and “sailing” their empty shell boats, collecting wishing leaves on our way to the pond, making mud when the puddles dried up, taking some impromptu grocery store trips (3 in tow) and some solo kid excursions this morning while the bigger two were briefly partying with their aunt.

Add in the suppers and breakfasts and snacks and baths and potty breaks and boo-boos and bedtime routines and art times and story times and tv times and homework and well, all the unnamed things that happen between point a and b… and

I surely would have been overwhelmed had I allowed myself to think too long or plan too much.

So, I stayed in the current moment…advice I hope to continue taking as the days roll on.

The week gave me other good things in addition to grandchild love…

deer sightings, meaningful exchanges with strangers, a coffee break with a dear friend, laughter, my mom’s Santa light glowing in the kitchen.

And the week to come promises to hold a lot of good, too…because I desire it, look for it, find it.

God bless you…and especially all the single parents among us. ❤️💐💐💐💐💐💐

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Sunday’s Seven 8 Oct 2023


Happy Sunday, dear reader 🌟

The week brought flooded streets and torrential rains, but also decent temperatures. There’s always an exchange, right? Sometimes we suffer a bit to get what we want. Sometimes it’s a passageway we must cross. Knowing that is gift.

The angel on metal art piece above found its sweet way to me, and it has brought me peace this week. I am crediting my mom for this one…I bought it in honor of her birthday in a different realm a few days ago.

A grandchild clasped my hand at school pickup and kissed it all the way to the car, and if that’s not a thing to be grateful for, your time here is wasted. Children always know. How rich it would be if we took the lessons in front of our eyes every day…

What else…well, kids with sidewalk chalk illustrating the musical scale, directing me to lie on concrete as one traced me for the second or third weekend in a row…always with a halo. How kids see us is how we can hope to be…and something I’ve yet to unravel fully.

The American Beauty-berry is in full fruit on my property. Passages and cycles and another season to witness in glorious color.

Walks to reset and rethink and relearn some truths about things big and small. Thoughts pass and are only visitors. Be careful what you let stay too long.

Needle and thread have cycled their way back around for me, and I’m spending quite a few uninterrupted minutes creating some unique pieces for upcoming markets. That’s winning.

All the ways we approach and live and interact in this life…it’s all something to be grateful for. Not every second, maybe. But a lot of it. Keep looking.

I may be tardy with my post next week—send me some good vibes and moments to post if it’s in the cards. I’ll be in the midst of several days of baby keeping duties…so, I know better than to make promises about what will or will not get done.

Whatever your circumstances—-whatever your week or day or season brings—I wish you well. I wish you light. I wish you people who look at you and see a halo. ✌️

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Sunday’s Seven 1 October 23

The calendar says fall. TX says where… but maybe by week’s end we’ll get a not 90 day. One must hope. Forecast says likely. 🙌🏼

Leaves have not been up to their usual autumn magic, but there are signs of trying.


The garden spiders are busy and a few littles have joined in the naming: Sally and Izzy are still daily regulars, but Sunny Star Scout (fave name 🤩) must be otherwise occupied …we expect her return any day. 🕷️ I know all are not spider lovers, but these are my returners. Sally always sets up on the side of the garage. Izzy chose the dog food bin this year, but she waves a happy leg at me each morning as I gently get Ada’s breakfast without disturbing her glorious weaving. We seem to understand one another.


The days aren’t fall cool, but outside is bearable, so that’s the win. Little girls were joyful with jump ropes and sidewalk chalk and swings and driveway races. That’s good. ✅

Little boy wearing a cowboy hat greeted me at his house with “ampoline ampoline!” on his busy way to the swing and see saw and trampoline…then sat happily in the backyard dirt and sifted through his goldmine …stopping multiple times to bring me treasures. A child who notices. 🫶

Gifts from a 2 year old 🍂

I hung the pumpkin front door decoration, and as is my custom, also plugged in the white lights on my beginning tree—this year it will live on the sunporch where it’s already bringing us moments of joy. We have decided it will be our art tree. I’m looking forward to how it transforms by December. So much to be said for creating spaces that we enjoy. The days are busy. White lights in the early morning and late evening are luxury. 🌟

Beginning tree 🌟

Little things. Passing moments. Noises and silences and all the gifts those hold.

May your week be filled with treasures you are able to notice. ✌️