
"Whatever you think you can do, or believe you can do, begin it, because action has magic, grace, and power in it." Goethe

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Friday’s Five: Christmas 🌟

As promised, dear readers, a Christmas message for you:

I hope this day found you honoring something dear. Maybe it was a ritual, a tradition, a baby in the manger.

I hope you felt special and loved today. I hope someone texted you or called you or included you in their plans.

I hope you thought of someone other than yourself today. Many are suffering, many are lost, many are mourning. A hand outstretched in love is always the right thing.

I hope you heard some good music, ate something delicious, shared time and company safely in person or virtually. I hope you realized basic needs met are gifts.

I hope you always remember this Christmas.

But I do need to say this:

Christmas is never spoiled or ruined. It may be sad, it may be heartbreaking, it may be a reminder of too much missing in the midst of others’ plenty. But it always brings hope. The reason we celebrate today has nothing to do with our circumstances. It has every- thing to do with awe, wonder, prayer, faith, and that one universal answer: love.

Merry Christmas.

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Friday’s Five: 18 December 2020//One Week Countdown

Christmas time greetings, dear readers! 🎄

We are in the run up to Christmas, as some say, and I do like that phrase.

I hope your “run-up” includes moments of goodwill and self care and indulgences that perhaps you allow during this season.

It is true that we are celebrating in a time unlike any we have experienced, a covid time. Still, make room for some safe spaces of magic and merriment when and where you can.

This coming week on the Winter Solstice, we can look in the western sky after sunset and perhaps see an amazing alignment…our own Christmas star. I’m including the link to info if you haven’t heard about this yet. Mark your calendar for Monday, Dec. 21. If you are looking up then, know I will be, too. 🌟

As we approach this run up week, I’ll leave you with five favorites from my Christmas thoughts. Some past, some present, and one added future. 🎄🎄🎄🎄🎄

🥁Dollar store icicles swaying on branches (I call it magic, and yes they are messy, but sparkling and beautiful)

🥁Background Christmas music playing 24/7 (I wake to it and fall asleep to it daily in December)

🥁Photographs and stories from prior days that remind me this is a special time of year (still clicking the camera’s shutter this season)

🥁Time devoted to wrapping gifts and making ornaments and writing cards and thinking of little gift drop offs for local friends (and enjoying the creative moments)

🥁Praying for a future Christmas when my family gathers together and we will celebrate the gift of presence, the best gift of all (but offering deep gratitude for the technology that connects us across thousands of miles this season)

I’m hoping to check in with you next Friday, since this is my normal blogging day. It will be CHRISTMAS, dear ones. I hope you feel its joy. 🌟

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Friday’s Five: 12/11/2020

Eleventh of December. Two short weeks until the sweetest day of the year…a day I long for all year. 🎄

Today, the rain fell in silvery sheets. I thought of how a good friend was napping after getting a good doctor’s report…the healing rest we need after getting geared up to receive news that might not be good, then the relief when everything is okay. The exhaustion of that. Grateful rest, but draining.

So much these days can be draining and exhausting. You likely know people who are walking fragile paths right now. The unknown twists and curves can be daunting to endure. We want to see the good ending, the great news, the positive outcome. We don’t always get to the good as quickly as we might like.

Tonight, as Hanukkah begins, we can be the light we seek.

Light the candle.

Make the call.

Say the prayer.

Write the note.

Picture the positive outcome.

Bring all the abundance with you and then carry on.

And while we wait for that special Christmas Day, let’s remember to rejoice in the daily miracles that are happening in front of us.

Take good care of yourselves and those you love. ❤️

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Friday’s Five: 12/Four/2020

I am already looking for ways to stretch this month…note the word four in the date above. Another attempt to stretch out the time. Keep it lasting, this merry meaning month. I know my efforts are futile in that regard, so it’s time to make the most of the days as they arrive. 🌟

I hope you are already feeling at least a bit merry.

Maybe you turned up or on some Christmas music. 🎺🎷

Maybe you felt a chill in the air that brought back a holiday memory.❄️❄️

Maybe you are gathering: the decorations, special dishes, wrapping supplies. ✂️ 📯

Maybe you are in planning mode: lists and search bars at the ready. 👩🏽‍💻📝

Maybe you plug in tree lights at the end of a workday and feel a little different. Maybe they take you to a calmer, more peaceful place. 🎄🎄

Whatever brings Christmas to your heart, I hope you’re feeling it. Or will soon.
