
"Whatever you think you can do, or believe you can do, begin it, because action has magic, grace, and power in it." Goethe

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Friday’s Five 3/26/2021

I promote self-care as part of the coursework I teach in one of my college classes, but today I decided to do the practice what you preach thing.

The goal? Go outside for two hours and do not take a technology device.

Five take-aways:

I read an entire Poetry periodical.

The wisteria is in bloom and climbing to the top of the pines in the side yard.

A delicate web and spider have taken up housekeeping in my youngest granddaughter’s swing…relocation required.

An outside journal now holds documentation of several impressions of the time, unencumbered by phones—free to see.

The birdsong communication is compelling.

I could go on, but today I’ll end this post by stating the obvious: there is much to witness. Much to stand in front of with awe.

I’m grateful. Goodnight.

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Friday’s Five: 3/19/2021

Spring officially comes tomorrow, dear readers. We made it another season.

These last few seasons have taught us all a lot, I know. What a time to witness.

What will we remember from these days, I wonder. So much has happened, so much has changed.

Yet, some things return each spring, the same:

an iris is budding down the driveway

the geese have returned to the field and impatiently wait for the feed we throw

dirt is broken and new seeds dropped

geraniums have made it to their familiar places

the pond is sparkling with sunlight

We can count on these returns. May we never be so busy that we miss the rhythms of the world.

Happy spring to you. 🪴🌺🌸🌼🌷🌞


Friday’s Five 3/12/2021

Well, dear readers, it has been a month.

Literally and figuratively.

I think of my audience of readers here and think, Well, they see I let another a Friday slip on by

But truly…a lot happened and then my body said Not kidding…you must rest….and I slept for hours on end and days…and I was not really me.

So, here I am, finally…late, but ready now…

Ready to give you five honest and good things from the past month…and the past week…because if I don’t get back on track, I might let it go. And I don’t want to let it go.

A new grandchild! A grandson, born in the midst of a Texas blizzard. All the bells and whistles: ambulance and iced roads and fervent prayers. NICU. All the things. But I held him at his home sweet home tonight for the second weekend in a row. A little in love here. 💙

Vaccines. I’m a fan. Shot #2 was a week ago today. I’m grateful. I want it for everyone who wants it. I’m thankful for science. 💉

Photographs. I’m spending this month looking through many and sending them daily as a celebration with a daughter who lives 5000 miles away as this is her birthday month. I won’t get to see her, but I love her. I miss her. In the missing is the gift of knowing someone exists worth the missing. ❤️

Those one hand friends. My mama told me all about them. She said You will be lucky to have that many…the ones who you can count on one hand. Treasures.

I have them. They texted me during this past month, and they brought me light. I’m grateful. 🙌🏼

Silence. I start every day with it and in it. All the names of all the people I know are lifted into the quiet. I pray for your well-being. Your abundance. May it be so. 🙏🏼

Grateful tonight for a goal met. For this place of recording the good things. For you, known or unknown to me, who read the words.

Be well. 🌟