
"Whatever you think you can do, or believe you can do, begin it, because action has magic, grace, and power in it." Goethe

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Sunday’s Seven 25 June 2023

I can’t help but mention it: we are six months away from Christmas. 🌟 And, oddly, I’m not ready to get too deep into the thoughts about that just yet, but I’m glad I noted the time. It’s 🔥 hot in my corner of the world, so at least I have a winter thought as reprieve.

Ice cubes. For me and in Ada’s water dish. We are grateful.

The fireflies dancing along the driveway at dusk.

Homegrown tomatoes on the counter.

The deer that my 2 year old grandson spotted through the back-porch window this week as two of his sisters and I came to witness with him.

The fleeting nature of the little things…

Little hands in Play-Doh, little play coins trading hands, little voices singing.


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Sunday’s Seven June 18 2023

Happy Father’s Day in the USA. What a gift to have had a good father.

1970 —my sister, daddy, me

Old photographs like this one

People who jot down dates on the backs of them (thanks Mama…that had to be you ❤️)

Memories of ways people build lives for us…they give us supports to return to with every effort.

I guess I’m grateful for so many parts of my upbringing, but I’m also grateful that I have not forgotten the little things that made my young life a good one.

For those of us responsible for the care of little ones, may we always remember that they will remember. The charge is great.

A couple of good memories from my dad to round out the list tonight:

…that year he planted potatoes specifically because I’d asked to see how they grew. He made that extra effort for me in the midst of many other crops and things he had going on.

…every time I wanted to go somewhere with him, he said yes. He was never too busy or too tired (even though he probably really was) for me.

We don’t have to be fathers to love children. I hope you were loved. Are loved. Still love others.


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Sunday’s Seven June 11, 2023

Four little children who eagerly watched at a window for their mommy to bring their daddy home from the airport

Those same kids arranging and rearranging themselves in the hallway so they could welcome him home after a lot of days away

The shouts of Daddyyyyyyyyyy reverberating through the house in that split second moment of arrival

Babies clamoring, young ones presenting welcome back love notes and handmade gifts, deep hugs

So much more from the past few days, but somehow these split second witnessings rise to the top.

Other goodnesses:

berry farm field trips

coloring sessions at many tables

just born cardinals flailing, then flourishing in the June sunshine

That’s seven fast ones. So much to celebrate every day. Fill in your own seven blanks this week. ✌️

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Sunday’s Seven 6/4/23

Hello, dear people,

I’m writing to you tonight from a no electricity environment. Power went off about 30 minutes ago, and it might not be restored for a few hours. I’m already missing the whir of the ceiling fans, the sound of the AC doing its job. But, temporary inconvenience, so all is well. It’s 86 degrees, not 96 or 106 today, so a definite win.

A lot of good greeted me the past few days, and sometimes we don’t recognize all the good until we are inconvenienced. Luckily, I have already posted all of the online content and preliminary greetings for summer courses. They begin tomorrow. Usually, I would be at my computer about now, making last minute adjustments. So, a win on that front today.

Other goodnesses:

Hummingbird joy as well. Well, my device is not allowing an upload, so I’ll save it for another time. But imagine a hummingbird flying from high branch to feeder. 🌟

The deer keep coming. One came super close to my back-porch today. Looked me squarely in the eye. Darted off. Sweet split second.

What else? Well, progress on decluttering. Big boxes and bags are leaving the premises. It’s past time and a relief.

Travel continues for many in my life. I’m always grateful for those who can travel and see new vistas. I’m always thankful for their safe travel/return/ happy moments. I know I’ve shared that one before, but it’s still going on in my world and I’m glad to list it in the plus column.

I guess number 7 today will be my ongoing gratitude list. I keep a column in my morning journal for as many little things as I can think of, and the list is never empty.

I think I’ll share these though: a fully charged phone, batteries nearby, a book ready to read. That’s good.

See you next time. ✌️

PS I think I’ll eat a popsicle in the name of Just in Case. 😅

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Sunday’s Seven 6/4/23

Hello, dear people,

I’m writing to you tonight from a no electricity environment. Power went off about 30 minutes ago, and it might not be restored for a few hours. I’m already missing the whir of the ceiling fans, the sound of the AC doing its job. But, temporary inconvenience, so all is well. It’s 86 degrees, not 96 or 106 today, so a definite win.

A lot of good greeted me the past few days, and sometimes we don’t recognize all the good until we are inconvenienced. Luckily, I have already posted all of the online content and preliminary greetings for summer courses. They begin tomorrow. Usually, I would be at my computer about now, making last minute adjustments. So, a win on that front today.

Other goodnesses:

Hummingbird joy as well. Well, my device is not allowing an upload, so I’ll save it for another time. But imagine a hummingbird flying from high branch to feeder. 🌟

The deer keep coming. One came super close to my back-porch today. Looked me squarely in the eye. Darted off. Sweet split second.

What else? Well, progress on decluttering. Big boxes and bags are leaving the premises. It’s past time and a relief.

Travel continues for many in my life. I’m always grateful for those who can travel and see new vistas. I’m always thankful for their safe travel/return/ happy moments. I know I’ve shared that one before, but it’s still going on in my world and I’m glad to list it in the plus column.

I guess number 7 today will be my ongoing gratitude list. I keep a column in my morning journal for as many little things as I can think of, and the list is never empty.

I think I’ll share these though: a fully charged phone, batteries nearby, a book ready to read. That’s good.

See you next time. ✌️

PS I think I’ll eat a popsicle in the name of Just in Case. 😅