
"Whatever you think you can do, or believe you can do, begin it, because action has magic, grace, and power in it." Goethe

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Sunday’s Seven 21 April 2024


Dutch irises in a recycled cappuccino bottle

A sunny visit in a new coffee shop with an old friend

Words on the page…and finding old words that remind me of the value of ritual and routine and returning to oneself

Sofia’s rainy day list of things to do-those small sincere joys we can give and reciprocate

The power company’s lineman who repaired my transformer in a steady rain

His genuine and almost surprised tone You are most welcome, ma’am

Which left me considering how small it is to say thank you and how rare for some of us to hear it

Taylor Swift’s new album and the student who met me as I arrived on campus with the news of that. Words as gift. More on this I’m quite sure…but a quick one thing I admire about Swift is her bullshit detector and her refusal to be a victim. More of us doing that, please and thank you.

Seven good things in a brief lineup here…so many more. When we start noting, we are rewarded.

I hope you are rewarded in the coming week. Be good to yourself. Listen to someone new. Thank somebody.
