
"Whatever you think you can do, or believe you can do, begin it, because action has magic, grace, and power in it." Goethe


Sunday’s Seven: 29 January 2023

Seven reminiscences this time, I think. I never know for sure until I sit here to begin. What gifts has the week prior given me? How many ways do all the crossings connect? ❤️…

Well, last week one of my students wrote to the poet Jan Gray. She liked his poem “Ghazal of Oranges” and set out to find some answers to questions she had. He answered her (not a small thing in this big world), and when I tell you it meant something, it really did. This student has a new view now of literature and poetry and humanity because of her action to discover and his action to reply.

Then, I shared the same poem at my GED class and asked a new student to read it. She agreed, but hesitated at first. She kept going, and at the end, looked up and said, You couldn’t have known, but his first line stopped me. My father died on New Year’s Eve…he, too, loved oranges. I felt his presence all around me as I read this out loud.

I told those students about the poet and my other student…how they will likely continue to communicate through emails now, this unexpected pairing. How odd and beautiful the world can be.

At the end of class, I asked this group to jot down their strengths, any areas they hope for help, anything they want me to know. I do this with different groups because all will not speak freely in a new class with strangers present, but they will usually respond in writing. As I leafed through the set, one student wrote a thank you note to me…a student who only shows up when his work life permits, when he can get there on his motorcycle. He encouraged me, turning the tables and reminding me that how we show up is as important as what we bring. We all just need to hear a kind and encouraging word sometimes…it means a lot to me and I’m sure to the others.

Teachers sometimes hear from the community or parents of students , but when we hear from students, it’s deeper and somehow truer to our ears.

So, all this to say: the value of words. Poems. People trying and succeeding in making meaning. All of us crisscrossing through the world connecting like beautiful threads.

This is counting as seven paragraphs haha…didn’t plan that either, but somehow think it works.

There were other precious moments during the week—saving some like a spool of thread, ready to unwind when needed.

As we enter February, I hope you find ways to express yourself to others—no sincere effort is ever wasted and only transforms into more good.

✍🏼 🖊️ ❤️

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Sunday’s Seven 22 January 2023

Happy Sunday, and if you celebrate, Happy Chinese New Year.

This week’s post: a collage of seven photos of a beloved camellia grouping at my driveway’s edge.

Camellias not giving up

No, they are not the healthiest versions of themselves this year. We see the dead branches, vines trying to hinder, evidence of prior freezes, some dying leaves, even a random spider taking a ride on a leaf …

…but when I went for a late afternoon walk this week, these vibrant spots of color greeted me. I had mistakenly thought this won’t be their year. Yet, here they are, blooming late, but trying. They, like many of us, have had their share of trouble the past couple of years. But, still, here they are. Imperfect and beautiful (to me). Messengers, once again, providing a glimpse of how beautiful it is to be present, to see, to come as we are.

One bloom came in and greets me each morning. That little green spider came, too, haha—-but I noticed after a time and released her back to her natural home.

Notice something in nature this week. Notice how it is a gift just for you. Treasure it.

🌺 ✌️ ❤️

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Sunday’s Seven 1/15/2023

Happy Sunday, dear reader,

It seems that January is speeding right by. Not sure what to think about that. Is it busy-ness, age, what? Why does time slow to a crawl during some seasons and other times we barely even have time to consider it? Not sure…

…but time is my focus tonight. Time is the theme that runs through my seven good things these past few days.

In no particular order:

Early morning minutes (before dawn) snuggling with a toddler, realizing some of the holiest time spent on this earth is time spent loving and talking with a child.

Time spent listening to music. My children gifted me an old school record player a few years ago, and I so enjoy slowing down to listen to my collection of vinyl. There’s a kind of reverence associated with dropping a needle on an album.

School is back in session, so my days run around course schedules, meetings, office hours, etc. Time spent with students so far has been rewarding. Glad for that.

Early rising/early bedtimes. I’ve changed some routines and habits to make this part of my life better. I like waking before an alarm tells me to, even though it would seem super early to a lot of folks.

Time for creative pursuits. This is a big one. If we don’t make appointments with ourselves for things that matter, something always comes around to take time away. It is a good thing to devote time to what makes us thrive.

Those minutes/moments/hours with friends and family over the past few days. When we realize the time spent celebrating, caring for, and being in the presence of others is valued and appreciated, we realize how important time and our use of it really is.

Returnings. How the seasons turn and change … and watching and listening as geese honk their return to the pond, hearing my grandchildren yell for me to look at the zig zagging line of geese forming in the sky.

Listening to the questions, realizing I know few answers, relishing the time with those who wander and wonder.

Blessings for your week. 🌟

Return of the geese

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Sunday’s Seven 1/15/2023

Happy Sunday, dear reader,

It seems that January is speeding right by. Not sure what to think about that. Is it busy-ness, age, what? Why does time slow to a crawl during some seasons and other times we barely even have time to consider it? Not sure…

…but time is my focus tonight. Time is the theme that runs through my seven good things these past few days.

In no particular order:

Early morning minutes (before dawn) snuggling with a toddler, realizing some of the holiest time spent on this earth is time spent loving and talking with a child.

Time spent listening to music. My children gifted me an old school record player a few years ago, and I so enjoy slowing down to listen to my collection of vinyl. There’s a kind of reverence associated with dropping a needle on an album.

School is back in session, so my days run around course schedules, meetings, office hours, etc. Time spent with students so far has been rewarding. Glad for that.

Early rising/early bedtimes. I’ve changed some routines and habits to make this part of my life better. I like waking before an alarm tells me to, even though it would seem super early to a lot of folks.

Time for creative pursuits. This is a big one. If we don’t make appointments with ourselves for things that matter, something always comes around to take time away. It is a good thing to devote time to what makes us thrive.

Those minutes/moments/hours with friends and family over the past few days. When we realize the time spent celebrating, caring for, and being in the presence of others is valued and appreciated, we realize how important time and our use of it really is.

Returnings. How the seasons turn and change … and watching and listening as geese honk their return to the pond, hearing my grandchildren yell for me to look at the zig zagging line of geese forming in the sky.

Listening to the questions, realizing I know few answers, relishing the time with those who wander and wonder.

Blessings for your week. 🌟

Return of the geese

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Sunday’s Seven 1/8/2023

A stack of books to read in the new year…I’ll try to post some titles/pics soon. What are you reading this year?

Those airport hugs. They are markers of so much between visits. While I’m at it, pilots and air traffic controllers and attendants and security and good weather and on and on…all the folks and events that allow us to get from one place to another.

Children. If you are lucky enough to witness a child at any stage, cherish that. It is fleeting, but to witness them before the world pushes in…gift. And those smiles…

My mama’s Bundt pan and the pottery bowl she bought me decades ago. It is beige with blue hearts on it. It was too expensive really, but she saw that I admired it, and she gave it to me on some occasion. Every time I use those items, it’s as if she is in the kitchen with me. This morning, there she was as I mixed up a pound cake hours before my daughter was set to head to the airport for her return flight home. Presence. Good vibes.

Names on class rosters/courses to teach. Excited about a new group of students on campus.

Messes. Evidence of life. Things might get a bit out of hand, but generally speaking, messes mean something took place. Most likely, some part of it was good. And, if it is hard to see the good, maybe we walk away learning something. Still a win.

I know a lot of us get caught up in the gift-buying at Christmas. Guilty here, too. The real gift is us; trite as that is, it is us. And we can give of ourselves and let others give of themselves to us all year. Let us continue. ❤️

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Sunday’s Seven 1/1/2023

Happy NewYear! 🤩🤩🤩🤩🤩

Here’s to a bold and bright and beautiful year.

Some things I am grateful for recently:

The pull of needle through thread

Thumbing through new cookbooks

Marks on paper with a Blackwing pencil

Sifting through photographs from past holidays

Losing track of days and hours during these “after Christmas —before return to work”days

Starting a new journal on this first day of the new year, a gift courtesy of my eldest grandchild✍🏼

Echoes of this season…they are already history, already in the storehouse of Christmas Past, yet they linger: laughter, smiles, conversations, moments and making of memories.

A bouquet for us as we start the new year…my daughter and I hosted a small gathering on New Year’s Eve, and I said how I wished we had some fresh flowers. Not long after, here comes a dear friend carrying a vase full. Life is good like that. May it continue 🌟

Peonies and carnations to start 2023