
"Whatever you think you can do, or believe you can do, begin it, because action has magic, grace, and power in it." Goethe

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Sunday’s Seven: 27 Nov 2022–Advent, Week 1

Hello, dear reader,

Thanksgiving has come and gone, and now a lot of us are trying to get ready for the next holiday. The season of hurry hurry has come again. This year, I’m trying to set a few minutes aside each day for ritual and renewal.

It’s the first week of Advent, and while I am not going to get into the history/deeper meaning of that here, basically it means we are four Sundays away from Christmas.

That fact alone can make some uneasy. What? Only four? So much to do. So much has to happen in our worlds so that we are ready. All the things, all the time.

But maybe, we are already ready. We are not surprised by Christmas. It’s the same date every year. Maybe we are surprised by ourselves. How we need to change some things. How we let so many people and situations and errands and fill in the blanks take our focus away from the real reason we celebrate.

Waiting…Week 1

Will lighting a candle help that? I have no idea. It seems a better choice than some other options.

I’ll try to be here each Sunday of Advent with a reminder for us that the weeks pass quickly, but there is time to honor the fact.

This week, I light the candle for seven good reasons:

Safe travel of family

Children as tour guides

Texts and photos from friends from afar

Leftovers in the fridge and homemade tamales from another busy mama’s hand to mine

Someone wanting my address which means snail mail is coming in this sweet season

Hot glue guns and tinsel and paint and paper

The Grinch who sits on my altar this year. It seems that far too many among us strive to dampen the sparkle and shine of the holidays. Pray for them. Let God handle the Grinches. We have to conserve energy for the reality that what we bring to the season is not about them, but it is very much about us.

So. If you are digging a box out of storage or trying to match up lights or thinking about a child’s eyes on Christmas Day, you really don’t need my prayers. You’re already on the right track. But every now and then, take a moment to see how much you’ve already done. And how much the Giver of All has done for you. Then, start again with peace.

Have a blessed season, friends.

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Sunday’s Seven: 11-13-2022

Last week, mostly, was spent on the road. I was finishing up some training in Fayetteville, AR, and while the mountains and scenes were pretty, it’s nicer to be saying That is over, now. Back to routine for a bit.

I am a fan of routines and rituals, so I guess that’s what this Sunday’s list will capture:

the first bold cup of coffee in the morning

the art studio that spreads to the porch…and the art left behind by little hands to cheer me…and all manner of little art pieces of my own in progress here

hand knit wool socks from my sister keeping my feet warm on these new cooler days…

…and the sweater she made for me a few Christmases ago ready for the week ahead

old recipes brought out for the upcoming holidays

a Santa light glowing in my kitchen.

Grateful for all big and little things: safe travel, new friends, old friends, kind caretakers of doggies and mail, homemade soup, lists.

Have a good week, friends. It’s almost 🦃 time. 🌟

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Sunday’s Seven: 6 November 2022

A full moon on its way…keep an eye up. So much beauty to behold (that all of us get to share) in that circle of white in a night sky.

I forgot to mention it, I think, but a few weeks ago my students celebrated the National Day on Writing by writing and sketching in a nearby park. I’m starting to get essays about the process, and they are breathtakingly beautiful works. Truly, gift.

A granddaughter sat at our art table copying a poem I sent to her last week. The effort she was drawn to make! I do understand it, yet she, at age 7, has a special knowing.

I was able to attend the 50th celebration of a sweet friend this week. Delighted to see others celebrating Larry as he deserves.

And, I was able to speak a few words and read some poetry at the memorial of a friend who passed on without warning in October 2021. He loved words and art and animals and people. To see his colleagues and far flung friends and relatives show up to celebrate his life was touching. Rest well, Aaron. We know you’re near.

Kind of random list this week, but I’ll insert props here to being supported. It was an interesting work week, but the level of support I have is top notch.

Finally, It’s early for some of us to begin holiday decorating, but today was sunny and I had a little time. So, the simple wreaths that adorn my driveway each year are back once more. Do you understand how gratitude encompasses all of the efforts we are able to make? I hope so. It all comes and goes so fast. I’m thankful to see and cherish the day by day.

Coming home to peace ❤️