
"Whatever you think you can do, or believe you can do, begin it, because action has magic, grace, and power in it." Goethe

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Sunday’s Seven: 123123

Greetings and an early Happy New Year to you all, dear readers. I hope you end the day happy and shout 1-2-3-1-2-3 to bring in 2024.

A friend of mine posted a quotation that sums up my current thoughts about resolutions:

“Every year you make a resolution to change yourself. This year, make a resolution to be yourself.” —author unknown

And, as is custom, 7 good things from the past few days:

Docents at the RW Norton museum in Shreveport, Louisiana who welcome children lovingly

Surprise packages in the mail

Those printed pictures fell into my hands this season—-happy heart

Tree lights

Stocking stuffers and the realization your children have grown up to be the most thoughtful givers

105.9 is still playing Christmas music…because we are still in the season 🎄

These moments of connection. Hope for tomorrow.

Sending you a warm hug. ✌️✌️✌️🥂🎆

Almost 2024 🌟

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Greetings, dear readers,

Here we are at Christmas Eve. If there is a better day in the year, I am not aware. So much preparation and possibility and power unfolding throughout the hours…

…and then finally, a moment when we call it ready. Maybe a few quiet moments with only tree lights and carols before daybreak.

We are at the fourth Sunday of Advent, and it’s rather odd to me that it falls on Christmas Eve this year. Then again, time expands for us to make room for what is needed.

I hope those of you who celebrate have moments to contemplate the many gifts in our midst. Seven here easily come to mind:


Children singing Silent Night


Fresh cut greenery and berries in vases

Messages and messengers

That sweet collection of cards on the mantle


Every year, I’m grateful to experience this season. This year is no exception. Regardless of circumstances and the reality of the world, here we are. Let us bring light.

Peace. ✌️

Merry Christmas.

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Sunday’s Seven —17 December 2023

Packages on their way to Christmas destinations

Holiday stamps

A simultaneous text from two friends : sky alert (because these friends understand the little things)

GPS services and airport directions

Safe travel and clear blue skies

Old friends and traditions

Signing off that work computer for a few blessed days of holiday preparations/enjoyment

Find joy this week. 🌟

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Sunday’s Seven: 10 Dec 2023

It’s Advent — week 2–and the theme is peace. Ahh. The ultimate goal-Miss Elusive we might say. But then, we receive her in passing moments: glitter of sun on leaves, snowflake falling afar, a handshake/hug/child’s kiss upon our hand. She’s near. We have to seek Her.

Peace visits when we make the smallest decisions, one after another. Let go of expectations. Honor with love the simple things. I hope you find your version of her this week. Maybe your her is a him. That is ok. 😉

Some peace that visited me this week in physical forms:

Double A batteries and the light they help bring to a strand of lights…

A new friend bringing felt sliders and helping me move a too heavy cabinet, which led to progress in so many ways…

Shopping with children and hoping they never lose their joy and generosity…

Saying no to the events I don’t want to attend 🕊️🕊️🕊️🕊️🕊️🕊️…

And looking forward to invitations from treasured friends and our traditions 🎄❤️🎄…

The note and gift card left by a shy student on the last day of classes…

Wearing those crazy Christmas boots again this year—and remembering the fun of a dear friend miles away…

Find your peace this week. 🕊️✌️❤️🎄

Peace of spirit: merriment

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Sunday’s Seven: 3 Dec 3023

Here she is…and she’ll fly by fast, so enjoy these December days.

She’s given me lovely gifts plus more this week—here are seven or thereabouts:

live holiday music at a local arts market

surprise arrivals of family and friends at art event

that thermos of hot coffee — gift and timing

candy canes lining my driveway thanks to a thoughtful son

creativity streaks

the man singing carols in Home Depot today

grocery store flowers —really underrated

…and a random decision to buy a Sunday paper. May become a habit.

Today Advent starts. I meant to post a candle flickering…but just imagine. I’ll light it later tonight. Say a prayer for us. Know rituals sustain and matter.

Hope. 🕯️

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Sunday’s Seven 26 Nov 2023

I hope your Thanksgiving was a good one…

days are picking up speed and those few days off have come to an end. Every year I know this, and every year I am once again caught by surprise.

My art table is overflowing with various projects in progress. A holiday arts market is upcoming, and that will likely be my focus for the next few days.

I pulled a vintage scrapbook down from the shelf—-a purchase from some forgotten point in time—and nine black and white photographs spilled out. I don’t know these people, but their pics tell a story. I’ll share them at the bottom of this post and maybe you can fill in some story pieces, too.

What else…well, grateful for time to create. A good week with decent sleep. Hot glue guns. Ideas. Red bird notification from my granddaughters who are also on the watch. Updates from friends far and near.

We will enter December this week, dear readers. Let’s join her with joyful hearts. 🌟🕊️❤️✌️

People who showed up today ❤️

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Sunday’s Seven 19 November 2023

Here we are at the run up to Thanksgiving, dear reader,

Some of us are planning big gatherings while others might mark the day in other ways.

Whichever camp you are in, I wish you well.


Abundance of good.

Peace of mind.





Happy Thanksgiving. 🍁 🦃 🍽️ 🕊️

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Sunday’s Seven 12 Nov 2023

Someone on Third Street has holiday lights glowing on their small and simple clapboard house. Just the window. A perfectly imperfect string or two of multicolored lights that invite us to breathe a bit easier, to see that even though the rest of the street is dark, this house is not. This house says I’m trying. I look for those lights each season…they will never know this. I wonder who is in charge of it: the decision-the effort-the untangling-testing of bulbs-how to secure-what will the electricity bill be-are they for a child-a memory-a continued tradition? I will never know. But as I made the early dark trek home… somehow those multicolored lights remind me as they often do, of simple efforts to try to make our spot a little better and brighter than it actually is. And it transfers to us.

We need that light. I know I do.

So, in praise of light and extension cords, and double a and triple a batteries.

For candles with real wicks and simple flames.

For messy abundance and effort. For being able to act.

I know sometimes these lists and stories are kind of like those lights. They are not ordered and they don’t always connect well and maybe they leave you wondering.

It’s ok.

Our efforts don’t have to be perfect. They are passing. Notice what you do and your intention. Notice the gifts of others.

There were many lights in this busy week:

Children took charge of a box of decorations and arranged things in ways I hadn’t considered. Better ways. With energy and immediacy and joy.

There was impromptu singing. Gift making.

There were hugs.

Some people gave me a free pass for being a tired human.

Someone sat at an art event with me and saw in my art what I hoped would be seen.

My violets are blooming in the side window, and I wonder how many days they’ve been hoping I’d glance long enough to see.

Chicken gumbo is simmering, and the house smells like celery-peppers-onions.

The trees are at a stage that is fleeting—-when I turn down my driveway, I drive slow these days…to remember those colors.

For a brief few minutes each morning, white tree lights in another room reflect onto a side window, and I take in that view before the day begins.

I’m still learning to keep it all with me in the moment. Somewhere on Third Street, a driver is passing a small house. I hope they slow down to see.


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Sunday’s Seven: 5 Nov 2023

We are 50 days out from Christmas, dear readers. A friend mentioned today that she hopes we can find peace and happiness in these troubled times. I answered, We must —and I mean it.

To find the peace, be the peace. To find the happiness, be the happiness. Honor the smallest examples in the day.

It is that easy…and yes, on many days, that hard, too.

But the results will ripple and rise when we decide to try.

What looks like peace in our own lives? What looks like happiness? It looks different to us depending on where we grew up, the circumstances of our lives, where we find ourselves today.

Still, we know them when we experience them. We have clues. Maybe we should pay closer attention to our role as we greet each day. Will we sow discord? Will we break a confidence? Will we offer a free pass? Will we distance ourselves from people and places that drain our energy? Will we go outside and realize a lot gets solved there? Every opportunity presents a choice. We have power.

And, in fifty short days, many of us will celebrate the birth of the only real lasting peace and happiness. So yes, we can find it…but we must look.

Seven paragraphs tonight, dear reader. Rest and recharge and know that the week to come will give us an abundance of good things when we are wise enough to pay attention. ✌️