
"Whatever you think you can do, or believe you can do, begin it, because action has magic, grace, and power in it." Goethe

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Sunday’s Seven 21 April 2024


Dutch irises in a recycled cappuccino bottle

A sunny visit in a new coffee shop with an old friend

Words on the page…and finding old words that remind me of the value of ritual and routine and returning to oneself

Sofia’s rainy day list of things to do-those small sincere joys we can give and reciprocate

The power company’s lineman who repaired my transformer in a steady rain

His genuine and almost surprised tone You are most welcome, ma’am

Which left me considering how small it is to say thank you and how rare for some of us to hear it

Taylor Swift’s new album and the student who met me as I arrived on campus with the news of that. Words as gift. More on this I’m quite sure…but a quick one thing I admire about Swift is her bullshit detector and her refusal to be a victim. More of us doing that, please and thank you.

Seven good things in a brief lineup here…so many more. When we start noting, we are rewarded.

I hope you are rewarded in the coming week. Be good to yourself. Listen to someone new. Thank somebody.


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Sunday’s Seven~~10 March 2024

Solo goose the last few days…so Mama is likely on her nest just out of sight…

Wisteria appeared in its purple glory, cascading like clusters of grapes among telephone poles and adding a shot of color to still winter shrubs…

Dandelions have come, too, and while some of you likely hate them, Sofia christened them wish sticks and we are happy happy to see we have plenty of chances…

I was able to participate in two granddaughters’ school event this week, and I’m always glad to see happy children, beautiful classrooms, and a whole host of people…ones who come to witness and celebrate handprints and seedlings and book fairs…

Speaking of celebrations, a dear writing friend received good news and will have one of her poems published this summer. When that happens and with her permission, I will post it here. How truly good to see someone following the call to write and earning deserved recognition. Good news lifts us all. May we have more of it…

Blackwing pencils…one came to me from the friend mentioned above and reminded me how the little things really are not little at all…

Well, let’s see. One more thing—-how about some lines from the nature loving poet Mary Oliver to send us paying attention into the new week:

This, from her book Upstream:

“Teach the children…stand them in the stream…rejoice as they learn to love this green space they live in, its sticks and leaves and then the silent, beautiful blossoms. Attention is the beginning of devotion.”


✌️ 💐☀️

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Sunday’s Seven-24 Sept 23

Unexpected Visitor

“In times of turmoil and danger, gratitude helps to steady and ground us. It brings us into presence, and our full presence is perhaps the best offering we can make to our world.” – Joanna Macy

Juxtaposition has been on my mind lately. All the ways the world is/the ways we are/how those ways interact and collide and live.

I woke well before dawn to house rattling thunder/whoosh of winds—-enough to send me out of a cozy bed and into a well loved chair in another room, away from windows. I sat there, adjusting pillows and a blanket and realized I was in total darkness. Only the glow of my cell phone accompanied me.

I thought of people making their ways to early shifts or for other necessary reasons and was glad I could have the luxury of no plans…or of plans easily adjusted. I did think of coffee, I admit, ☺️—but a notification from my electric company said it might be hours—-so, I resigned myself to that fact but was pleasantly surprised to watch the house come back to life sooner rather than later…the whirr of fans, the kitchen airstrip of electronic appliances flashing/beeping/announcing their return.

So, coffee.


An hour spent dragging fallen limbs and branches out of the yard and driveway.

A creek full of water, as it should be—maybe our drought is over.

The jostling of clothes in the dryer.

Lemon poppyseed muffins, freshly baked for lunch…and plenty to share at work tomorrow.

Simple things.

A smart person reminded me this week that the world is full of trouble and fools.

Sometimes we have to step in and not be either. “Be present” as writer Joanna Macy reminds us. Know that when we decide to be who we are in this world, the world will adjust even if it seems off kilter at first.

It’s all juxtaposition, friends.

We all fit and if that doesn’t mesh or match, all the better. Be you. 🦎


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Sunday’s Seven: 27 Nov 2022–Advent, Week 1

Hello, dear reader,

Thanksgiving has come and gone, and now a lot of us are trying to get ready for the next holiday. The season of hurry hurry has come again. This year, I’m trying to set a few minutes aside each day for ritual and renewal.

It’s the first week of Advent, and while I am not going to get into the history/deeper meaning of that here, basically it means we are four Sundays away from Christmas.

That fact alone can make some uneasy. What? Only four? So much to do. So much has to happen in our worlds so that we are ready. All the things, all the time.

But maybe, we are already ready. We are not surprised by Christmas. It’s the same date every year. Maybe we are surprised by ourselves. How we need to change some things. How we let so many people and situations and errands and fill in the blanks take our focus away from the real reason we celebrate.

Waiting…Week 1

Will lighting a candle help that? I have no idea. It seems a better choice than some other options.

I’ll try to be here each Sunday of Advent with a reminder for us that the weeks pass quickly, but there is time to honor the fact.

This week, I light the candle for seven good reasons:

Safe travel of family

Children as tour guides

Texts and photos from friends from afar

Leftovers in the fridge and homemade tamales from another busy mama’s hand to mine

Someone wanting my address which means snail mail is coming in this sweet season

Hot glue guns and tinsel and paint and paper

The Grinch who sits on my altar this year. It seems that far too many among us strive to dampen the sparkle and shine of the holidays. Pray for them. Let God handle the Grinches. We have to conserve energy for the reality that what we bring to the season is not about them, but it is very much about us.

So. If you are digging a box out of storage or trying to match up lights or thinking about a child’s eyes on Christmas Day, you really don’t need my prayers. You’re already on the right track. But every now and then, take a moment to see how much you’ve already done. And how much the Giver of All has done for you. Then, start again with peace.

Have a blessed season, friends.

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Sunday’s Seven: 6 November 2022

A full moon on its way…keep an eye up. So much beauty to behold (that all of us get to share) in that circle of white in a night sky.

I forgot to mention it, I think, but a few weeks ago my students celebrated the National Day on Writing by writing and sketching in a nearby park. I’m starting to get essays about the process, and they are breathtakingly beautiful works. Truly, gift.

A granddaughter sat at our art table copying a poem I sent to her last week. The effort she was drawn to make! I do understand it, yet she, at age 7, has a special knowing.

I was able to attend the 50th celebration of a sweet friend this week. Delighted to see others celebrating Larry as he deserves.

And, I was able to speak a few words and read some poetry at the memorial of a friend who passed on without warning in October 2021. He loved words and art and animals and people. To see his colleagues and far flung friends and relatives show up to celebrate his life was touching. Rest well, Aaron. We know you’re near.

Kind of random list this week, but I’ll insert props here to being supported. It was an interesting work week, but the level of support I have is top notch.

Finally, It’s early for some of us to begin holiday decorating, but today was sunny and I had a little time. So, the simple wreaths that adorn my driveway each year are back once more. Do you understand how gratitude encompasses all of the efforts we are able to make? I hope so. It all comes and goes so fast. I’m thankful to see and cherish the day by day.

Coming home to peace ❤️


Sunday’s Seven: August 14, 2022

Whewww…some weeks are just on steroids. This was one. Fast and fleeting and a few other f words…haha. It’s going to be that kind of post, I guess. 😆😅🤣🫣

It was a good week at home base though. My loved ones are ok. I’m ok. Oh, there are things. There are always things…minor inconveniences that keep the days a bit off kilter. Things in the distance that worry us, make us pause…but, in the moment…this present moment that is all we really have, things are ok.

I know I post a lot of positivity here (that is my goal after all!), but that doesn’t mean my life is without irritations. Mistakes. Miscommunications. Nope. Human here. 🖐🏼

But in spite of “all the things, all the time” a bounty of kindnesses and surprises came by, too.

I heard from a teacher friend this week. She’s starting a brand new job in a new place, and I think of the students who are so blessed to be in her care. Good luck, Angela. ✅

The tire saga continued this week, but the third stop was the charm: leak found, patch done, No charge, ma’am. Again. Kindnesses.

Oh, the other vehicle also decided to act up, but that is a temporary thing. Repairs will come. The towing company sent a guy who took the water I offered on a sweltering day, and we learned together how to get cars into neutral when they won’t cooperate (thank you YouTube 😅).

In the midst of busy days, ants came to join the party. And stayed. 😩 🐜 But, after a variety of tries, they have made their exit. Lordy DAY. Can we get a moment’s peace in the house, please and thank you. But, they are gone, so yes, a check on the good things side of the list.

Not to be outdone, the kitchen faucet started spewing water. I tried, but had to call on my son who came right over and set things aright. We might have some little child hands who tend to push and pull a bit forcefully on faucets. 🧐 That, too, is a small price to pay for childhood joys. 💦

And, if you have any doubt that beauty can be found even in deep shit, here’s a bit of proof for you:

Butterfly feeding on … well, shit

I do not know, y’all. I have been working on a few work related things and took a needed walk break for some re-set, reconnection. This is what was in my path. Talk about signs. 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣😅😅😅

Oh, I warned you…it’s that kind of post. Hope you read this far.

I’m thankful for my silly life. My serious life. The people who walk in the world with me.

Take good care of yourself in the coming week. Be kind to a teacher. A student. The folks in the world who keep our worlds turning.

Watch for 🦋. ✌️

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Sunday’s Seven: 31 July 22

I don’t know about you, but I’m surprised at how quickly this month went. Sometimes July seems to drag, but even with the heat here, the days zipped by. Lots of really good things happened this month. Here’s just a sampling…things that I hope will resonate with you and keep you looking for the beautiful, too. 🌟

An elderly man was headed out of the grocery recently, and turned back and asked the clerk if she could watch his cart. He said he’d forgotten something. A few minutes later, I passed him as I drove away and he was wheeling his cart out, carrying a beautiful bouquet of flowers. We can fill in our own blanks, but someone was likely surprised by beauty. So lovely. 💐

I’ve noticed recently when I drive away from my grandchildren’s house, they often stand and watch at the front door to see if I’m still looking back at them. I am. To be loved by a child is no small thing. Always cherish it. 🤘

About a year ago, my daughter was with me and we were out of town. I received a call about a full time job offer that has been such a blessing. I still remember her happiness for me and how we celebrated that day. Today, I look at an almost finished building on campus that was not even started a year ago, and now it won’t be long before new classes will be taking place there. Nothing-then something…so very often. So much good. Possibilities just out of sight but almost here…all the time. Hang on if your good hasn’t come yet…it’s on the way. 🧚🏼‍♀️

This month has also given me another opportunity to teach at our local women’s recovery center a couple of times a week. These women are creating better lives for themselves. It’s really touching to be able to witness it as it happens. Success is measured in a lot of ways and sometimes comes packaged a bit differently than we might expect. People are resilient. Never give up on anyone, especially someone who is courageous enough to make a new start. 🏆

Sometimes we need to make an effort, or as I’ve been relearning recently, to ask for help when we need it. I was dreading an appointment due to my mind sometimes making things enormous when they are not, but I asked a friend to accompany me. She did. The appointment went fine. She still doesn’t realize the impact of what she did by walking with me during those anxious minutes. Sometimes we don’t know what we do for others just by living.

Another friend told me this week that she took a train trip even though she was afraid. She’s never traveled alone, but she saw that I did. It gave her courage. Live your life this week knowing that what is nothing to you might be life changing for someone else. How do we change the world? By living our best lives.

So, hold a hand. Accompany a friend. Say yes to a new opportunity. Help a person who isn’t as lucky as you. Be happy for someone’s joy. Buy someone flowers. Get on a train or plane or whateverrrrr. Blow a kiss to a child. Take your mom to lunch if you can. (My son did that for me recently. Made my day. ❤️)


Children grow up. Mine still make room and time for me in multiple ways from across the world to a few miles over. I’m thankful.

I’ve been writing this blog for ten years this month. Thank you for coming along. ❤️


Sunday’s Seven 12 June ‘22

Well. Let’s start this list with

Airplanes ✈️✈️✈️✈️✈️✈️✈️

that fly to far destinations with multiple transfers and no problems ✅✅✅

Oh, those happy suitcase wheels rolling in airports for the first time since 2019…🙌🏼

and a daughter standing in greeting with a special sign because we are celebrating


and it is good here with sunny skies and

cobblestone streets

and coffee in real cups on patios ☕️ ☕️

and art shops and music and flowers in windows

and open air festivals

and Ukrainian flags still flying in support of those people 🇺🇦

and meeting Anna from Kiev who shook my hand and said Oh, Agnes, you are strong 😂🤣😅

and I was honored to be told this by someone who is truly strong and is making the world better one piece of art and t shirt at a time…who was so glad for a conversation in English in this foreign country…

and I thought to myself How many assumed she couldn’t speak English? How many didn’t approach her and hear the story we heard? Oh, just take chances and engage people and learn…

I’ll leave you with Anna’s words tonight:

Keep smiling. We need to see your smiles.

I know this is more than seven good things…

Some words from Wallace Stevens:

“The most beautiful thing in the world is the world itself.” 🌎 🌍 🗺 ✅🧚🏼‍♀️❤️

Enjoy your week, dear readers. Know that I am feeling grateful to be out here with a different view for a little while and hope to share highlights with you.

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Sunday’s Seven: 5 June 2022

June is here, dear readers. May she be good to us all.

I’ll start this week’s seven good things with a simple one: lullabies. Do you have a favorite? Did someone sing to you as a child? Recently, a granddaughter requested one that I often sing from my childhood: Tura lura lura…it’s a sweet one. Music holds so much good. Another frequent request is She’ll be Comin’ ‘Round the Mountain, but we add Yee-haw after every verse, so it’s not really in lullaby genre, but hey, it’s ok.

Clean sheets. Something about freshly laundered linens, especially when the weather gets hot. I remember as a child my mom would pop the sheets on super hot nights ( I did not grow up with central AC) , and I’d feel the cool billows of air on my skin as a nighttime ritual. I think we often crave nostalgia and the good feelings of past childhood days. Returning to those small feel good things— even small things like clean sheets—can make the immediate moment better.

Lots of little ones are in my house this season, and we have adopted our own rituals and routines. Sometimes a prayer, sometimes a song, most times laughter and stories and planning for the next times. Sweet words from young mouths. I wish we all could hear those.

Other sweet moments from the past week:

The grands wanted the plastic baby Jesus this week — the Christmas yard decoration one that ended up being one of their beloved babies. I located him, and watched as they kissed him, checked him for ticks (we may have adopted a ritual here 😅), and “fed” him all the snacks. Little precious moments that the world does not see. Moments that have great power.

A repairman came and I watched from the window as he took extra moments to play with our dog. You can always tell about someone based on how they treat an animal, especially if it’s not theirs. ❤️ Another one of those moments that the world didn’t see—a moment that made my heart happy to see the kindness of strangers in action.

Oh, it’s been a week filled with art, too. The Index Card a Day (ICAD) has started again. It is a daily creative challenge and one that has become a tradition for many of us. If you are interested in learning more, check out this link:

And, last for this week, I have more art on display at our local gallery. A potter friend and I are alternating months so that we can keep the space filled with fresh art and still have time to do all the other things we like to do. I’m a believer in the power of art to change the world for the better. It’s nice to have a place to share.

Sometimes we are making memories that will become only memories. That’s good. Sometimes we are making memories that become rituals, routines, traditions. We may not realize how important those things are for a really long time, but then something or someone reminds us.

That’s good.

Here’s to memory making days.


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Sunday’s Seven: 22 May 22

Well, I walked to the mailbox to check on mail twice today before I realized that it’s Sunday 😅🤣😅…a little levity to greet you, dear readers, today. When we can laugh at ourselves, it’s a good thing.

The week has been a busy and mostly scorching one, but last night a big storm brought 30 degrees cooler temps. I’ve spent a good portion of the day and evening outside, just enjoying. 60s in Texas in May = marvelous.

The rain gave us a couple of inches in the formerly dry creek bed, drinks for the newly growing zinnias (ahhhhh), and even the dirt seems richer after a rain. Deer tracks were evident on the driveway, and no sooner had I noticed them on a walk when I made the return route to see only the broad flank side of a doe or buck dart across the path I’d walked seconds before.

How much we see. How much we miss. How much is here before and after we are. 🌟

Windows into the world before us. Windows were a theme this week in other ways, too…I was offered an office space with a lovely window…and the yes that meant a full day of moving one office to the new was well worth the time. Natural light, plants to help thrive, working without the hum of fluorescents if I choose. Yes.

A couple of days ago, my two youngest grandchildren spent the night, and they let me trace their one and two year old hands on the inside of my pantry door. That door is a hodgepodge of little traced hands and marked heights of squiggly tots through the years. A beautiful mess of life and presence here.

Naps. Those of young ones and the ones we older ones can take sometimes. Restorative. Luxurious. Self care…so important every day, but I’ve been reminded several times recently that it is Mental Health Awareness Month. While every month (and day) we should be aware, maybe this will be the time some of us do a bit more to advocate for ourselves and others.

A link for those who want to learn more:

Some bonus good:

An extended evening walk accompanied by the voice of a beloved cousin. Those telephones are a nice invention, aren’t they?

And as we talked, fireflies appeared like stars on the ground before me. That close…as if I could hold them in my hand. Had she not called, I’d have missed them, too…

So, here’s to the things that are just out of sight but waiting for us all. Here’s to those who bring us closer to the real. May your week be filled with knowing. 🧚🏼‍♀️