
"Whatever you think you can do, or believe you can do, begin it, because action has magic, grace, and power in it." Goethe

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Friday’s Five 12/17/21

We are one week away from Christmas Eve, dear readers. I wonder how things are going where you are. I hope you are enjoying the moments that make the season sweet. I hope there are moments when you realize the gifts of celebration.

Today, I was able to see two of my granddaughters celebrate Christmas parties at school. They didn’t know I was coming, and their faces held so much delight when they realized I came. Gift.

Looking for my grandchildren’s names on art in school hallways. Gift.

Making it to the post office with a batch of little presents before the deadline day. Gift.

A new caramel recipe to try soon—ingredients ready. Gift.

Finding a tree at a local tree farm and bringing it home. Plugging in those lights each morning. Gift.

It’s a busy, messy time. I’m quite sure a lot of people have their act together and their homes and decorations are magazine worthy. That’s not how it is here. Haha.

It’s always a mad rush, no matter how early I begin. Lots of things happen in between, and so I find myself thinking Well, here we are again.

But that Here we are again IS gift.

Here we are. With dishes in the sink, snotty noses, fussy babies or grownups, a work deadline or two thrown in…all the things.

But some of us stop and look at lights. Or a child’s face. Or we receive a card and hope the person who sent it realizes we are grateful. Or we turn up some Christmas music. And we know. Gift.

🎄🌟❤️ I’ll leave you tonight with this—the fourth week of Advent starts Sunday. The theme: love. How many ways will we see it in the days ahead? How many ways will we show it? Begin with yourself. ❤️