
"Whatever you think you can do, or believe you can do, begin it, because action has magic, grace, and power in it." Goethe


Sunday’s Seven 4/10/22

I’ll start us off today with this beautiful poem by Jonathan Wells entitled

April Morning:

You are living the life

you wanted as if you’d known

what that was but of course

you didn’t so you’d groped

toward it feeling for what

you couldn’t imagine, what

your hands couldn’t tell you,

for what that shape could be.

This Sunday the rain turns cold

again and steady but the window

is slightly open and there is the vaguest

sense of bird song somewhere in the gaps

between the buildings because it’s spring

the calendar says and the room where

you are reading is empty yet full

of what loves you and this is the day

that you were born.

Grateful for poetry every day, but since this is National Poetry Month, even more so.

Spring is in full gear here, and March winds remain a constant companion. The screen is open, and the breeze has come through all day, and it blows the wisteria down the driveway path like confetti. A celebration of sorts, I guess.

And why shouldn’t we celebrate? The mom and pop geese are still here, evidently guarding a nest. The dewberries are blooming in white stars on the vines. There is rainwater in the creek. Enormous butterflies flitter by, and I spotted the first hummingbird of the year yesterday. So much life. So much to behold.

That’s likely more than seven good things, but here’s one extra:

The new album “We Are” is out by Jon Batiste and is a winner. Give it a listen when you can. It came to me by accident, like so many good things often do. I am glad I followed up, checked it out, and can listen to it as I go about the day.

It’s been a full and fast week, but there was work to do, people to help, babies to hold, students to teach, art to make. Everything didn’t get marked off the list, but I can hope for tomorrow.

Take good care, dear readers. Thank you for walking along April’s path with me. 💐


Sunday’s Seven 1/16/2022

Snow. It fell briefly and mostly after sunset, but it was nice to hear from people who still look up to see it fall and to honor the moments. This time it looked more like a sprinkle of salt, but still, snow. It counts. We wait for the next one. ❄️

Laundry that’s done, folded, put away. Hey, it’s a win.

Fresh watercolors. The gifts of Christmas slowly finding their new places. Possibilities.

Sign language. The marvel of how even the youngest among us find ways to communicate. Consider the ways we interact through so many senses…so many messages possible in so many forms.

The smell of bread baking. It’s been awhile since I made time to buy yeast, measure, cover, wait for rise, knead, complete all the steps. This week, I had time. Small rewards.

Music. It makes this list often, I know. What would we do without it…and our sometimes funny improvisations of it. Sometimes it transports us to a different era. Sometimes it reminds us how far we’ve traveled.

Eye contact. The smile behind the mask. The nod, the making space, the respect some still choose to give others.

Peace, dear readers.

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Friday’s Five: July 9, 2021

Hello dear readers,

This was a fast week for me:

New class of college students to teach 🌟(It is a bonus that I love my job.)

Clearance racks 🌟(Did somebody say Santa shops all year? Yep…she surely does.)

Teething rings for four month olds 🌟(If you know, you know.)

Coffee gift cards from my daughter🌟 (Double win: caffeine hit and happy thoughts of her.)

Willie Nelson’s Stardust album…and an almost 2 year old who kisses the cover and lifts her hands up to dance-dance-dance. 🌟 (Well, it is beautiful on all counts.)

Love and light to you. I’ll close with a line from a podcast I heard this morning:

Remember who you are. 🌟

Carry on, dear people.


Monday’s Music

I heard the faintest sound of Christmas music playing in my friend’s classroom today…my CDs were still in my bag, but that was a nice reminder today, to hear someone else’s need for the peace of soft holiday music in the background.

Later, my friend Angela stopped by with a jingling package for my birthday countdown. Another friend whisked it away…saving it until at least Friday…they know I cannot be trusted with festive packages.

I heard the package jingle…sweet holiday music…and smiled at her remembering that jingle bells are special to me.

So, it’s been a musical Monday…nice way to start the week. And, I’m more inspired than ever to purchase yet another holiday CD…soon.